Application for the Global Medic Assist Program

The mission of the Global Medic Assist program is to provide certified ‘medics’ (AEMT or higher certification) to accompany NGO’s and other humanitarian organizations as they provide service to communities world-wide. Some humanitarian efforts are medical in nature, but many are not, and these non-medical expeditions are finding it more important than ever to have medics accompany them on their trips.

If you’re interested in a trip as a ‘medic’…

…Read through the “BEFORE YOU APPLY” section, which you can find in the sidebar menu of this page. When you feel you fully understand the process and the requirements, apply online by completing the form below. Once your application is submitted, you may be invited to an interview for further vetting.

    First Name

    Middle Initial

    Last Name





    Email Address

    Mobile Phone

    Emergency Contact Name


    Emergency Contact Phone

    Emergency Contact Address

    Certification Level AEMTPARAMEDIC

    How long have you been certified?

    Can you provide evidence of at least 1,000 hours of patient contact? YesNo

    Are you employed in the field? YesNo If yes, where?

    Will you be able to take approximately 7-10 days off work to attend? YesNo

    Known Allergies:

    Name any and all health concerns that may impact your ability to travel to remote locations or to participate in rigorous activity

    Why would you be a good fit to go on a humanitarian expedition as the medic?